Andrea Gallucci

// Campania Salerno Ravello

Destination Wedding Photographer

Professional photographer from Ravello, on the Amalfi Coast. Born in 1987, now he is a destination wedding photographer of many international couples, including Chinese and Korean newlyweds. Owner of BBPhotos photo agency. Some of his photographs have been published in leading international journals like "AD", "Elle Decor", "Conde Nast", "Travel Diaries by Marcopolo," "Globe", "Azure".
In 2010 in occasion of the “Biennale of Architecture” in Venice, he has published some of his photos during the exhibition" 50 years after Brasilia "held in the pavilion of Brazil.

Italian and English speaking. Available for photoshooting services throughout Italy, Europe and all over the world. Possibility of Chinese speaking assistant.

WeChat: agallucci87

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